
Originally released in 2011 "Imaginaerum" is the seventh studio album from the world renowned Finnish symphonic metal band Nightwish. Comprised of thirteen tracks, including audience and streaming favorites 'Storytime', 'I Want My Tears Back', 'I Want My Tears Back', and 'Last Ride of the Day', "Imaginaerum" remains the band's largest selling record to date.
Originally released in 2011 "Imaginaerum" is the seventh studio album from the world renowned Finnish symphonic metal band Nightwish. Comprised of thirteen tracks, including audience and streaming favorites 'Storytime', 'I Want My Tears Back', 'I Want My Tears Back', and 'Last Ride of the Day', "Imaginaerum" remains the band's largest selling record to date.
Artist: Nightwish
Format: CD
New: Not currently available in-store (available for order) $14.98

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Originally released in 2011 "Imaginaerum" is the seventh studio album from the world renowned Finnish symphonic metal band Nightwish. Comprised of thirteen tracks, including audience and streaming favorites 'Storytime', 'I Want My Tears Back', 'I Want My Tears Back', and 'Last Ride of the Day', "Imaginaerum" remains the band's largest selling record to date.
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