Would you happen to know Mademoiselle Duval, the composer of a single opera, Les Genies, performed nine times in 1736, which was a great success and has never been performed again since it's premiere at the Academie Royale de Musique in Paris? A singer and composer, Mademoiselle Duval was the second woman to create an opera there, following in the footsteps of Elisabeth Jacquet de la Guerre. Although her life remains a mystery, this accomplished harpsichordist, who dazzled audiences by playing continuo at the premiere of Les Genies, wrote a work of entertainment contemporary with Les Indes Galantes, in which each act unfolds a new love story centred on the Geniuses of Water (Les Nymphes), Air (Les Sylphes), Earth (Les Gnomes) and Fire (Les Salamandres). It's a little marvel that Camille Delaforge's curiosity has finally brought us, passionately conducting this rarity of the French repertoire with absolute joy